
Reconstruction refers to the full and permanent restoration of all services, and local infrastructure, replacement of damaged physical structures, the revitalization of economy and the restoration of social and cultural life. Its aim is to reconstruct people’s lives on a more permanent basis and includes the rebuilding of infrastructure and people’s livelihoods. Reconstruction must be fully integrated into long-term development plans, taking into account future disaster risks and possibilities to reduce such risks by incorporating appropriate measures.

Following damages caused by cyclone and flooding, the NDRRMC support the ongoing reconstruction work carried out by the government for the re built of new drains to higher and safer standard than before so that in the future the risk of flooding would be reduced. The length of time required for rehabilitation and reconstruction depends on a large number of factors, including the extent of damage, level of preparedness, availability of resources, administrative and legislative powers to act rapidly, and political stability of the country. 

Normally for a complete reconstruction project, different sectors are engaged in a timely manner to rehabilitate or reconstruct. For example, infrastructure requiring high levels of investment and sophisticated technology may take much longer time to fully rebuild to a higher standard.