Emergency Kit​

By taking simple steps today, you and your family can prepare for emergencies:
1. Be informed of the weather conditions and general situation of the country via radio, TV, newspapers.
2. Make sure that all members of your family and yourself establish and coordinate a contingency plan:

Prepare your home; check the condition of the roof, doors and windows.

Check the condition of the drainage in your yard.

Get rid of objects which could fly away and injure due to strong winds.

Be prepared for evacuation and ensure that you know the evacuation shelter(s) near your home and the safest route to get there.

Always keep your mobile phone fully charged.

3. Always be in possession of an emergency kit. 

4. Stockpile food and water.
5. Ensure that all members of your family are aware of the dangers they face. 
6. Have the right attitude and an increased level of awareness so that you and your family can control the situation in case of an emergency.
7. If you have to leave your home in a flooding situation, cyclonic situation or any other emergencies. Always turn off all of your utilities, such as gas, electric and water.
8. Have a meeting place for the family or friends to gather in case of emergencies:

If the house is an option, that's the best place where everybody should meet and shelter. 

When the home is not an option for shelter, that is if you can't get to the house or if that area has been evacuated, then a designated place where all the family members should gather that is relatively safe is very, very important where services such as water, food, shelter, and other things might be available.  


Always keep your supplies in an emergency kit that you can use at home or take with you in case you must evacuate. 

Always follow the instructions and comply with any legal order issued by the Police and Local Authorities. 

Be regularly informed of the weather conditions prevailing via radio, T.V., newspapers, do not ignore warnings. 

Have the right attitude and an increased level of awareness, do not panic.

Composition of an emergency kit: 

1. Portable battery radio and flashlight with spare batteries

2. Candles and matches

3. Potable water and water purification tablets 

4. First aid kit

5. Non-perishable food like cereals, dried or canned foods

6. Can opener

7. Necessary things for an Infant/child; warm clothes, milk, baby bottle, thermos flask…

8. Sleeping bags or blankets, warm clothes.

9. Personal hygiene items

10. Masking tapes for windows

11. Basic tools such as ropes, screw drivers, etc

12. Games for children 

13. List of emergency phone numbers

14. Identification and important papers 

15. Certain amount of money.